What is Inspiration Goat precariously balanced upon?

As heard on the Daydreaming about Dragons podcast, the Inspiration Goat helps me process media and take parts that are useful for the gaming table.

This isn’t about the hottest new thing or the crowdfunding with the biggest payday; it is just a few geeky things that are inspiring me.

It might be weekly; it might be monthly. It all depends on how fast the inspiration goat chews on media and who can know the chewing speed of my favorite very-real goat?

Talking about Sandboxes at Big Bad Con Online (Twilight 2000 and Dolmenwood) and how we’re supported in this play with Mad Jay.

Click the link, put it on your calendar and join us.

From the Epic Isometric Patreon. When asked what we’d do should we encounter something like this I wrote the following and it might end up being a Thing:

Start butchering it to sell the parts to alchemists, mages and dragon-cultists. Send someone to fetch the nearest dragon-slayer or settle for a dragon-survivor, someone who knows something about dragons so we can figure out where this glorious beast came from, as its lair is now unguarded. We need to get started before the dragon-gold rush begins.

We never thought to ask, “What killed it? What is capable of that?”

(I think this is a novel I want to write more than a game I want to run).

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Not new but something I need to remember is out there – The Underclock.

I do love that it is countdown, which makes the time pressure feel much more palpable at the table.  I would say “you’ve been in this dungeon for 3 hours now” and no one would care.  I would roll a random encounter check and players would glance over.  But people pay more attention to the Underclock.

“But Arnold, doesn’t this allow players to game the system?  If the Underclock gets down below 6, won’t they just hunker down somewhere safe until it goes below 0?” – You, probably.

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The Warden by Daniel M. Ford is the next book on my nightstand. Can’t wait.

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Rascal continues to kill it.

This one jumped out at me in particular:
TTRPG TV Guide’s Creators Believe In A Field Of Dreams For Actual Play

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The Vagabonds of Dyfed has my attention.

No kidding, same people who made Five Torches Deep.

Huh. Maybe.

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