Just Turned Friday

Reading: I am making my way through Diaspora and still reading about the Khan.

I am tempted to just start making up star clusters.

Planning: I’m thinking of running a 5k this weekend and getting some schoolwork done. I have a few projects due in the coming weeks and they’re not difficult, I was thinking of getting a headstart on them, rather than the sleep deprivation model I generally work on.

Visit a friend of mine who just had a baby.

MoBu City on Friday night.

Wearing: Green button down and a pair of jeans. Also, my new belt.

Writing: I took a fantasy setting piece I wrote and just fished it out for stories. I labelled each story as a chapter and just wrote a blurb about what will happen in this chapter. When I’ve had a moment this week, I’ve picked a chapter and written for a bit. It is an oddly satisfying way to write. I’m wondering if it will come together.

And you?

Sleep Dep Friday

Reading: A late night work schedule destroyed my reading times but still reading about Ghengis.

Planning: Hopefully, getting some heat in my apartment and a weekend with the lady-friend.

Wearing: Grey shirt and jeans with a hoodie.

Writing: Looked at the 7 Kings Mountains and just found all of the parts of it that I wanted to write and started outlining and writing the scenes that excited me. It is nice to have a go-to writing project with some structure to it.

And you?

First Friday Back

This is the first Friday that I feel physically and emotionally back to form since September vomited onto the calendar year.

Reading: I’m re-reading The Scar and I’m enjoying it a whole lot more this second time around. Bellis is a far more solid protagonist than I remember her. Uther Doul is the character who has changed the most in my mind.

Uther is a 13 year old boy made cool. He has no idea how to talk to girls and when he has to he says things like, “WANNA KNOW ABOUT MY MAGIC SWORD? IT IS SUPER-COOL, FROM THE GHOSTHEAD EMPIRE.” but Uther is so damned cool that he makes that seem almost smooth…almost.

After The Scar re-read, Genghis beckons.

Planning: Lady-friend this weekend, MoBu City tonight and school catch-up this weekend too.

Wearing: Jeans and a brown button-down.

Writing: Tinkering with little text bits of Sorcerer 2289 text and a fantasy story.

And you?

Sweaty Friday

It is nice to be home again, back in the gym four days a week. I have had a whole lot of trouble getting my feet under me and had a few nights of paralyzing funk but I think I’m set now.

Reading: I am finishing Bloodstained Stars, which is lovely and then I am launching back into a book about Genghis Khan as inspiration for the BW game with Storn’s PC, the Sheriff of Baal, Kuryn Kor.

Planning: Fight Gone Bad, a work-out for charity at the end of September. Please click and take a peek.

Wearing: Still my sweats and t-shirt from the work-out.

Writing: This week I was lucky to get out of bed as much as I did.

And you?

West Coast Friday

Reading: Ah reading on vacation, just me, a couch, a book and some pooches. I tore through Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon but then I figured I’d like a book whose running title was Jews with Swords. Gentlemen made me pine for the 13 Cities.

Just finished Vance’s Dragon Masters and am digging into another novella included in the same book, The Last Castle. It is really nifty stuff. I love Vance’s isolated societies twisted into really odd shapes.

Planning: Enjoying the last bit of vacation.

Wearing: Sweatpants and my Crossfit Ithaca t-shirt.

Writing: I didn’t bring the EeePC, Babycakes, so nothing got written this week.

And you?

Just about Friday already

Tomorrow is my last day of work for a week. Janaki and I are heading out west for our vacation. I cannot wait.

Reading: Finally started Desolation Road. I will likely dig into it during the travels this weekend.

Planning: Laundry and packing.

Wearing: My favorite pair of maroon sweatpants.

Writing: Yeah, wrote some on a game setting that is not cooked yet but I want to play it anyway.

And you?

Sore Friday

This was my first week of doing both strength training and metcons. It felt good to get a three day week in the gym but I am sore something terrible and everything that was not sore as of this morning is sure as hell hurting now.

Reading: I stowed my two books in my weekend bag and spent the week trying to figure out where the hell they were. But I have been reading over Danger Patrol to get a grip on the system. A buddy is visiting and he asked to play it.

It shouldn’t take me more than twenty minutes to finish up what’s left of Iron Council and then I’ll finally dive into Desolation Road.

Planning: Gaming on this weekend and UFC 101 on Saturday.

Wearing: Still in my sweats and tank top from the morning work-out.

Writing: Just some absent-minded tinkering this week. This weekend I hope to put MoBu city into a more readable state and tweak a chapter of YA fiction so I can continue writing what comes next.

And you?

Rain Friday

Reading: I’m picking at the last twenty pages of Iron Council like a punk-ass ten year old who refuses to finish his dinner.

Planning: Off to see family this weekend. It is the largest gathering of my cousins in over a decade. I cannot wait.

Wearing: Jeans and a Dragon Day t-shirt.

Writing: I picked up a young adult fantasy story again and started poking at MoBu City, trying to make it playable and I’m very close, I think.

And you?

Run-around Friday

Work today has me running around to and fro but at least its a change of pace.

Reading: I’m finishing up Iron Council and then I’m off to Desolation Road about a small railway town on Mars. The first few pages grabbed me. Also…western on Mars. Done.

Planning: Lady-friend time this weekend.

Wearing: Jeans and my green button-down.

Writing: I didn’t do shit this week.

And you?

Almost Hot Friday

What an odd, tepid summer it has been.

Reading: I have picked up Iron Council again and have begun to re-read that.

Planning: Lots of running around and visiting friends this weekend.

Wearing: Jeans and a Dragon Day t-shirt with my vibram ten fingered shoes.

Writing: I have been trying to make progress on a couple of things and it just isn’t going anywhere this week.

And you?